Where Should You Start With Cybersecurity?

Where Should You Start With Cybersecurity?

It’s important, no matter where you may be in the process. Protecting your security should be top priority to ensure your information and system are secure in order to prevent cyber attacks. Watch the video below as Aaron talks about the importance of having security and the importance of cybersecurity awareness training.


Not sure where to start? Start with security awareness training, protecting your endpoints, and keeping your online users safe. 


Knowing the different levels of security can be very helpful. You may not need a top-tier security system or you may need several security levels. But protecting your system should be the number one priority.


With the cybersecurity starter policy, we make it simple to understand what you need, what you require, and how it all matters. Even if this is just the first of many questions, the cybersecurity starter policy will give you the knowledge you need.


Don’t wait until it’s too late. Give us a call today and let us help you get started with protecting your systems. Secentric is here to help!


Learn More:

Where Do I Start With Cyber Security?

Cyber Security Starter Policy

Advanced Cyber Security Policy Suite


Video Transcript

0:00 Intro
0:32 Cybersecurity Awareness Training: Where To Start
0:42 Compliance And Regulatory Drivers
1:16 Cybersecurity Starter Policy


Where you start with your cybersecurity journey is really going to depend on what’s driving it. Unfortunately for a lot of organizations, we see time and time again that the journey starts with something like a breach, a compelling event where unfortunately a business gets taken down due to something like ransomware or some other form of security incident, and so if you’re just trying to do the right things, if you’re just trying to protect your organization, you might want to start with those controls. They’re going to prevent today’s most prevalent cyber attacks. 


0:32 Cybersecurity Training: Where To Start

Start with security awareness training, start by protecting those endpoints, and keeping your users safe when they’re online in order to protect against cyber attacks. 


0:42 Compliance And Regulatory Drivers

Beyond that, other organizations have compliance or other regulatory kinds of drivers for the security program. If that’s the case, you might want to take a look at what kinds of requirements are going to have the most impact to securing your organization and meeting that compliance requirement, and that will drive your prioritization. 


Whatever you do, the one thing that I see time and time again is folks trying to get it all right. I see folks trying to well the ocean so to speak. They’re trying to do everything at once and frankly, nobody’s able to do it all. So I’d encourage you to take that pressure off of you, just start with the basics. 


1:16 Cybersecurity Starter Policy

We have a cybersecurity starter policy, which is really a fairly lightweight framework of directives for organizations to implement. It’s something that every organization can aspire to and actually achieve. It’s a great starting point if you’re just asking this question because you want to do the right things, but you’re not really ready for that complete security journey. 


But again, start somewhere, don’t put it off. I’ve seen time and time again breaches come to those who’ve been talking about doing security, talking about protecting their users. Unfortunately, after the talk, the breach comes and they were too late, so just start somewhere.

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