What If I Don’t Have The Resources To Start A Cybersecurity Plan?

What If I Don’t Have The Resources To Start A Cybersecurity Plan?

“What if I don’t have the resources to start a cybersecurity plan?” is a common question we get. You know your company needs a cybersecurity plan. You’re just not sure you can afford it. Watch this video as Aaron talks about cybersecurity tool basics and stretching your cybersecurity resources. 


Cybersecurity can be complex with many security levels of protection. But that’s down the line and not always what you need to get started. There are many resources out there that can lend to getting your cybersecurity system in place.


Reach out to our experts at Secentric to see how we can get you started with basic cybersecurity tools and customize a plan that fits your needs.


Learn More:

Where Do I Start With Cybersecurity?


What If I Can’t Afford A Cybersecurity Program?


When Is My Cybersecurity Complete?


Video Transcript

0:00 Intro
0:09 What If I Don’t Have The Resources To Start A Cybersecurity Plan? Resource Constraints
0:38 System Vendors
0:55 Security Culture
1:20 Get Started

The question is what if I don’t have the people, the tools, etc., to implement security?


0:09 What If I Don’t Have The Resources To Start A Cybersecurity Plan? Resource Constraints


The truth is, every organization has resource constraints. It might be that you don’t have cybersecurity experts on staff. Fortunately, there are a lot of good resources to get you going in the right direction. We do have a cybersecurity starter policy for those organizations that are just trying to implement the basic practices to start doing the right things. If you have somebody, if you are running systems, presumably you have somebody who is provisioning those systems, setting them up.


0:38 System Vendors


These folks can also integrate security into their practices things like getting these systems patched, things like controlling access, user access to these systems, and making sure that you are implementing some of the basics. 


0:55 Security Culture


Because it really comes at no cost. You can establish some basic directives that are really going to let your employees and users understand your expectations and set the bar for how you’re going to behave with regard to cybersecurity matters. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have the resources. There are things you can do today and I strongly recommend you check out our cybersecurity starter policy to really just help you in that journey.


1:20 Get Started


Adopt those directives, that you don’t need to do it all in order to get started and re-evaluate over time, step back in three months, six months, and see what else you might be able to do to up that bar. These incremental gains are going to make a difference over time.

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